Power Surge on USB3 Hub Port

Written By:
Dave Kelsey
Last Edited:

This applies to FRED systems prior to 2014.

If you receive the USB3 error "Power Surge on Hub Port, A USB Device has exceeded the power limit of its hub port, (For assistance in solving problem click this message)" follow the procedure below.

1. Download and unzip USB3_Fix.zip from USB3 Fix.
2. Install the Firmware Updater (USB3-Hub-FW-Upgrade\Usb3HubFWUpgrade_Setup_V0.35.exe) and reboot if prompted.
3. Delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\USB3 Hub FW Upgrade Tool\Bin\810_0880.bin file that was just installed.
4. Copy the USB3-Hub-FW-Upgrade\810_0880_disable_oc.bin file included in the USB3_Fix.zip file into the C:\Program Files (x86)\USB3 Hub FW Upgrade Tool\Bin directory.
5. Execute the USB3 Hub FW Upgrade Tool which you just installed in step 2. Once the new firmware is installed there may be another USB warning, but this is normal.
6. POWER OFF AND RESTART THE SYSTEM. When you run the FW Upgrade Tool it should now show version V8.80.

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